The Clown #13
-The chain? what chain? what do you call the chain anyway? the solitude? the one man cell of... of anything? but think deeper about it. who creates the one man cell of your mind? who defines what is what? who put you in the cell? who put the chain on you?
-I don't know.
-you know it. i m sick of you always saying "i don't know" trying to evade the answer. trying to deny the truth. trying to... what are you trying to do with that? deny the facts? think man, think. deeper. this is not deep enough. think deeper. YES! you.
-Yes. me.
-you define what is chain for you. you define what puts you in the cell. you are the one even defining the size of the cell and you are the only one capable to free yourself from this madness. You are saying that i m your madness right? then why don't you get rid of me? why don't you get rid of all of us? do you need us?
-i don't know.
-yes you do. cell, chain, freedom... those words are only the definition of your state of mind. FREE YOU MIND! free your mind and get out. you've been screaming: I GET OUT! do you really want to get out? then do it! it was said: if you think pennies, you get pennies, you think dollars, you get dollars. so be it. think free and you will be free. decisions? hard decisions? there is no such thing as a hard decision. you decide, you visualize the goal and you just live it. be it. inhale it. and then u get it. if you think poor, u will be poor. think rich to be rich. think happY to be happY. feel love to be loved. how can you be loved when all you think about is rejection and sadness? but you already know it. i m here to call names. i m here to show you something and probably this is our last talk. you know the secret, you know the way it goes right? you've seen it working, you've done it already. then why do you put yourself into one man cell? no... i m not here to ask questions. maybe only one. but not now.
-what now? now when i know it. i use it all the time. so what? yeah.. i see the progress.
-the progress? you don't need to see the progress. you are CREATING the progress. you are the reflection of the future. you are the product of your past, the product of your choices. that's why you are the reflection of the future "you". selfishness? pride? no! fuck it. creating your own life and future is not selfish. being proud of yourself and of your feelings is not wrong. after all it's you to define what is right and what the fuck is wrong in your life. because this is YOUR life. you want to live free? then do it. you are free from birth. it was god given to you. all of us spoil what's given to us. but you have the free will. you are free. even in the fuckin cell. everywhere! you are free. noone controls your feelings. live your feelings. trust them. stop being afraid cause being afraid all you get is more fear, more negativity, more rain. when you are afraid to get wet, when all you think about is rain, all you get is rain. and when it rains it pours. trust... love... embrace. playing the role games got you far far away from your true self. can't you see? look at what you are on the surface and what's inside. you want to get the peace of mind? how can you be peaceful when the surface doesn't match the feelings? when you hide what's inside all the time, when you hide it like your dirty secret? negativity is eating you. it has been eating you since you became a rock. your strength is not the surface. it's there, deep. deeply in your heart. there is your power. your truth, your self.
-who are you?
-I am you. i am your enemy, your friend, your mentor, your... i am me. and me is you. i will shut up soon. because you are free now. you've been free from the very beginning, but you needed someone to blame for your imprisonment. so be it. i am to blame. i am the reason of your chains and cells. so now i m gone. and you are the Winner. so be it. be the winner. that's the only way for you to live and not to survive.
think victory to be the winner.
think power to fight
think inspiration to create
think success to succeed
think happYness to love
think future to live.
put yourself in the picture.
-what about the question? the last one?
-what is it you really really wish in your life? deeply in your heart. and where is your heart? i don't need an answer. this is the end of me. and the beginning of you. so be it. Break the Chain. you are The Winner.
Be the Winner.
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