ok, here's the dictionary version:
A material or object described as bulletproof is capable of stopping a bullet or similar high velocity missile. The term bullet resistant is often preferred since few, if any, practical materials provide complete protection against all types of bullets or multiple hits in the same location.
Such materials are usually rigid, but may be supple.ok, fair enough. bulletproof, that's what i dreamed to be when i was a child. then i grew up and many times in my life i came across them days i once again wished to become bulletproof. but those bullets we different this time.
then again i realized after a long time and many conclusions and some confusion that i m simply not built that way. i don't need to be bulletproof to LIVE, rather the opposite. i might survive being bulletproof but LIVING is something else.
shoot me, aim at me! I'll take them hits, survive anyways, because I AM ALIVE! and no bullet can kill the spirit. fuck them bullets, fuck the bulletproof vests. Pain is another reason for happYness to exist. Sadness is just another reason for Joy to exist. And Love is another reason to LIVE.
Bulletproof materials are usually rigid, cold, rock hard. it's not what I am and i m happY of it.
I'm not bulletproof.
I am happy of it. take them bullets, feel them. and then LIVE on!
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