The scapegoat was a goat that was driven off into the wilderness as part of the ceremonies of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, in Judaism during the times of the Temple in Jerusalem. The rite is described in Leviticus 16.
The word is more widely used as a metaphor, referring to someone who is blamed for misfortunes, generally as a way of distracting attention from the real causes.
magas qarTulad "gantevebis vaci" hqviao, ase amboben...
Zalian advilia da Tan Zalian Zneli ipovo is, romelsac daabraleb yvelafers, akideb Seni sulis simZimes da gulis tkenas. Tumca adamianebs es martivi da rTuli gza gvirCevnia Cvensave TvalebSi Caxedvas da aRiarebas imisa, rom is vacic Cveni Seqmnilia, is tkivilic Cvenia da sulic gangeb davamZimeT, rom ar avfrindeT... simaRlis gveSinoda...
Cven xom yvelaze Zalian es gvsiamovnebs, ara? is, rom Cven arafers SuaSi varT. iman, borotma vacma gagvamwara, Cagvimwara sicocxle da dagvangria. imis magivrad, rom dangreuli saxlis narCenebisgan droebiTi TavSesafari mainc avaSenoT, rom Tavze ar gvawvimdes, gvirCevnia, rom visxdeT wvimis qveS da gantevebis vacs vaginebdeT. ra Tqma unda, ase sjobs... luarsabebs, xom xelsaqme ar gviyvars... ar gviyvars arafris Seqmna. ufro sworad gviyvars, magram gvirCevnia es raRac sxvam Seqmnas da Cven ki ukeTes SemTxvevaSi mayureblebi da uaresSi ki kritikosebi da skeptikosebi viyoT.
ho, 13ni varT, ho... da yvela erTnairad damnaSaveebi da gamanadgureblebi varT. ho, asea, mere ra? ra mere, rom Cven dagvabraleb imas, rac xdeba? Cven vin varT? an ra xdeba iseTi?
me var, me! me13 masxara var da Cemi bralia yvelaferi! damabraleT, gamamtyuneT, miwodeT Tqveni Secdoma. rac gindaT, is miwodeT. ar minda aravis diadi gegmebis Sesruleba da aravis bavSvobis ocnebebis asruleba. Cemi maqvs asasrulebeli. xo, Cemi. me me-13 masxara var, yvelaze egoisturi da yvelaze Tavxedi masxara am 13 Si. ra mere?
ra Tqma unda, ojaxSi Tu ori adamiani ver ugebs erTmaneTs, es yovelTvis mesamis bralia. ase sjobs...
Love me or hate me, call me crazy, call me a villain... anything. I AM! I am!!! I'm to blame! for anything you can think of. anything. I'm the scapegoat.
I feel no pain, I feel no sadness. I don't give a damn about my own feelings. all I care about is your relationships, your pain, your worries. Your enormous fears. Yeah, blame me. I can take it. I can heal your hurts as I don't have mine. I can calm you down as I have nothing to worry about myself. I can sort out your lives as I have mine in order. BLAME ME! do what the fuck you wanna do! just fuckin do it! forget about me! I'm nothing! I'm just a scapegoat. that's my fuckin name!
daviRale. yvelasgan daviRale. damRales. (ai, isev igive, gantevebis vacebi vipove. adamiani var da imitom.)
moawesrigeT Tqveni cxovreba, daalageT urTierTobebi, ixareT, ibedniereT, iyaviT kargad. me macadeT Cemi cxovreba maqvs dasalagebeli nu damRaleT! nu damRaleT!!! rac ginda, is damabraleT, vinc ginda, is miwodeT, itireT, icineT, iCxubeT, icxovreT! da macxovreT! momenatra cxovreba. da macadeT.
p.s.: mgoni avad var isev da vbodav... magram momawva. Zalian momawva.
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